Advanced Analytical Measurement & Metrology Workshop for Semiconductors 2023

Register for the Advanced Analytical Measurement & Metrology Workshop for Semiconductors

AAMM Agenda

AAMM Workshop Presentations

Due to the increasing number of new materials, complex device architectures, and chemical formulations, the severity of interactive process defects at advanced technology nodes in the semiconductor industry is rising. Defects can remain undetected without early intervention (through advanced analytical measurement and metrology) or other safeguards in place. These “New Strains of Interactive Process Defectivity” are caused by various types of complex chemistries and chemical processes and process interactions through the entire life cycles of the chemistry, from production through the semiconductor HVM environment.

Complex fab chemistry, equipment, parts, and process steps create new types of interactive compatibility issues, more defects, and new defect sources. Thus, the supply chain needs to deal with unprecedented purity and consistency requirements. These “New Strains of Interactive Process Defectivity” are significant “Yield Limiters” for <10nm technology readiness and can have a severe negative economic impact.

wafer environment is redefined encompassing the whole of supply chain
Source: Arcita Sengupta, Semicon West, 2023

Currently, the semiconductor industry and its ecosystem partners lack capabilities to detect and identify extremely small killer defects, and need joint efforts to develop, validate and implement advanced and novel required analytical metrologies and AI solutions for defect control in advanced semiconductor manufacturing. Funding, developing and enabling novel pathfinding technologies, and deploying them in HVM is a requires a large effort and commensurate level of investment for any individual group, including semiconductor producers and supply chain partners. In addition, many of these technologies may require extensive collaborative R&D among the scientific and research communities.

Intel have been leading/working with our supply chain ecosystem to find a path to create “shared-cost advanced analytical metrology and quality excellence center” in the US. This is to help the entire ecosystem to collaboratively develop next generation products (chemicals, filtration, system parts, advanced chemical metrology, and analytical technology) to mitigate key defectivity drivers at advanced nodes and facilitate total “End to End” yield improvement.

The CHiPS and Science Act was enacted to be transformative for the domestic semiconductor industry. The effective application and continued development of next generation analytical measurement and metrology systems and techniques in the semiconductor industry will be critical to enable the continued development of future semiconductor technologies for both advanced logic and memory devices. The establishment of a National Center for Advanced Analytical Measurement & Metrology for Semiconductor Fabrication will benefit industry participants across the entire supply chain including semiconductor device producers, wafer fab equipment suppliers, key component suppliers, and chemical and materials suppliers. Such a center can leverage existing government (NIST) capabilities and networks and be the basis novel government-industry partnership models into the future.

To address these challenges we are calling for the establishment of a National Center for Advanced Analytical Measurement and Metrology. To develop this concept more fully, we will hold a workshop on November 16th in AZ at the end of the Electronics specialty Gases & Systems Conference. The agenda for the workshop is below:

Advanced Analytical Measurement & Metrology (AAMM) Workshop

1:30 PM

Introductory Remarks – IDM and Supplier Challenges and Call for Action
Archita Sengupta, Intel

1:45 PM

Introductory Remarks – The Case for Establishing a National Center
Hugh Gotts, Air Liquide

2:00 PM

Device Defectivity Challenges
Mustafa Badaroglu, Qualcomm

2:25 PM

Advanced Metrology Excellence
Marla Dowell NIST

2:50 PM

Need for New SEMI Standards
Bob McIntosh, Enviro-E

3:15 PM

Roadmapping & Lab Analysis Perspectives
Ashutosh Bhabe, 14-si-solutions

3: 40 PM

Panel Session – Industry Challenges & Developing a National Center for AAMM
Archita Sengupta, Hugh Gotts, Mustafa Badaroglu, Marla Dowell
Mike Corbett, Moderator

4:30 PM

Conference Closing Comments
Mike Corbett, Linx Consulting